Father of Three Accused of Being Drunk On An Aeroplane

Rosalie Watts
March 16, 2023

After an introduction of the important words and groupings, Rosalie reads at 80 WPM for four minutes and then reviews the entire lesson.

This is the third installment in our Reporting The Courts series. An 80 paper is great all-around practise. Stretch yourself!

If you wish to take the dictation first, you can find this here on Soundcloud.

You can find a growing collection of Reporting the Courts posts on the LLTT Blog.

Word lists for “Father of Three Accused of Being Drunk On An Aeroplane.”

The following analysis identifies the words used in this mock examination and sorts them by frequency. While this is something we will address later in a blog post (or feel free to reach out to us via our contact form on the home page), based on the research, the NGSL list shows that 2,801 words (out of more than the 600,000 words in the English language) cover more than 85% of the words you are likely to come across in books, newspaper articles, movies and/or television. It pays to know them well.

The New General Service List (NGSL), developed by Dr. Charles Browne, Dr. Brent Culligan and Joseph Phillips in 2013, is a list of2,801 words which comprise the most important high-frequency words in English, giving the highest possible coverage with the fewest possible words. Although there are over 600,000 words in English, the 2,801 words of the NGSL give over 90% coverage. The NGSL was created using a 273 million word subsection of the two billion word Cambridge English Corpus, meaning its corpus was over 100 times as large as that used for the original General Service List (GSL).

The New Academic Word List (NAWL), developed by Dr. Charles Browne, Dr. Brent Culligan and Joseph Phillips in 2013, is a list of 963 words which frequently appear in academic texts, but which are not contained in the New General Service List (NGSL). The NAWL was developed based on a study of a 288 million word academic corpus, consisting of academic journals, non-fiction, student essays, academic discourse, and best-selling academic textbooks.

NGSL Top 1k words (1-1,000): a, able, about, after, all, am, an, and, another, anything, arguing, ask, asked, at, away, be, been, behind, being, boarding, business, cannot, case, catch, conclusion, course, daughter, did, different, drink, drinks, due, during, event, family, father, feeling, finished, flying, for, from, green, had, have, he, hear, help, him, his, hour, I, important, in, into, is, it, job, just, kept, land, landing, large, losing, loss, man, memory, much, my, new, night, not, of, on, one, ordered, other, out, over, person, pushed, remember, represent, rested, since, sit, sleep, sleeping, standard, stands, stood, story, suffering, take, taken, taking, tell, that, the, then, this, thought, threw, time, to, total, up, very, was, we, welcome, what, who, wife, will, with, working, would, years, you, young, youngest, your

NGSL Top 2k words (1,001-2,000): abroad, accused, afford, aid, aircraft, appreciated, arrested, capacity, double, excited, flight, global, passenger, plane, pleasure, prior, quiet, schedule, shifts, threatened, unusual, waking

NGSL Top 3k words (2,001 +): alcohol, found, guilty, jury

New Academic Word List (NAWL) words: dose, shortly

Off-list (not on the NGSL or the NAWL): defendant, diminished, dock, drunk, falsely, holidaymakers, Joe, kindly, loudly, medication, mistakenly, Mr., Northward, pandemic, prosecution, Rosie, suspicion,tablet, trolley, Turkey, verdict

The NGSL and NAWL in combination give 92% coverage of words from that corpus (86% for the NGSL and 6% for the NAWL).

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