Weather - 140 WPM

Jo Goodall
September 8, 2023

Are you ready to take it to the next level? If you've already tackled the 100 WPM passage entitled "Meteorologist's Tips for Staying Cool in the Heat," then you're prepared for this exciting new challenge. We're cranking up the speed to 140 WPM, and here's why you shouldn't shy away from giving it a try.

Assuming you've taken our previous 100 WPM lesson, by moving up to 140 WPM, you should find some of the material will feel like an old friend. This familiarity creates a smoother transition into the faster pace, making it less intimidating than you might think. Pushing the speed to 140 WPM is a fantastic way to sharpen your listening skills and work on your ability to focus. The more you practise at this pace, the more proficient you will become.

If you prefer to listen to the audio-only dictation, you can find it here on Soundcloud.

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